Traditional marketing was focused on customer needs analysis, building the company offer especially from the business point of view and investing on considerable communication resources, to convince the customer of the good characteristics of the product and / or service offered .
In recent years, the transformation of the market, global and interconnected, has changed the paradigm. Competitive barriers of the past – production capacity, distribution capabilities, information management – today are no longer able to provide shelter from the competitors. Purchases by increasingly informed customers are guided by sensory and emotional elements rather than specific and tangible attributes of the product or service, almost essentials. A customer experience that goes beyond expectations allows companies today to differentiate from competitors.
Due to Internet and Web 2.0 the consumer evolved into the prosumer, a consumer who generates online content based on his experiences and share them via social media, determining whether or not the success of a company or its product. Satisfaction and loyalty depend on a customer-centric strategy.
Our proposal qualifies us internationally: it consist in the integration of traditional and digital and multi-channel marketing, through a portfolio of services, designed and implemented to maximize the company’s value, realizing an unique Customer Experience both for partners and end customers. The key to achieve better results is to understand the context of each client-company interaction across channels, exploit feedbacks to identify the right touchpoints and get useful information.
Carpe Diem uses international best practices (we are CXPA members – Customer Experience Professionals Association) and authoritative sources (Gartner, Smart Insights and Temkin).
We guide the customer with a methodology aimed at identifying profitable customer touchpoint, at designing and building a development plan for a total and exceptional experience, and improving through continuous results monitoring.